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Sweaters on a Rack
Clothing Swap and Drop logo. You can see a white teacher with blue hands on it. Around the T-shirt is a green circle with "Clothing Swap & Drop" written on it.

About The Clothing Swap and Drop

 The Clothing Swap and Drop platform was has started in schools located in the Boston area. For years, the founder has been cutting out shopping from Fast Fashion brands and spreading word about it as well as giving alternatives.  As a simple and fun alternative, they have been working on a platform called The Clothing Swap and Drop, where anyone (teachers, students, parents, friends, etc.) come in to bring in their unwanted/ unneeded clothing items and exchange it for someone else's clothing. This way people don't need to keep buying new clothes from Fast Fashion brands that are very difficult to avoid, and don't throw away their old clothes. 


The Clothing Swap and Drop is a great way to prevent fashion consumption and waste as well as to inform customers on the topic. I have spread this project to the German School in Oslo and am currently working on spreading it to the French International School in Boston. With the Global Fashion Exchange, I would love to help organize this Clothing Swap and Drop outside of my school, local schools, and the one in Oslo, and organize in other areas around the world as well. This could be on the level of cities, towns, or in other schools.

Our Goals

Serving the Planet and building the human community through your clothing.

Providing a fun and easy alternative for the avoidance of fast fashion consumption and fashion waste

Education on the problem of fast fashion, it's negative impacts, and simple, ethical, alternatives.

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